We're a nonprofit graphic design and marketing firm whos mission is to help other nonprofits and businesses with missions to promote social and environmental justice, grow to great heights. We know that branding, social media presence, and photography are time consuming and costly. It's our hope that by donating our time, talent, and training you are able to stay focused on your mission.
uit mission
what we
While we specialize in designing custom content, implementing marketing strategies and social media analytics, we have a soft spot for nonprofits like ourselves. We have chosen to donate our services in order to help nonprofits in their launch. We only ask that as they grow that they might donate back to us. We grow together.
our team
Willow Draper is an award-winning graphic designer. Her work is inspired by her love for all things color. She is proficient in helping local companies UP THEIR GAME. Her clients include: Chico Area Recreation and Park District (CARD), Butte County Office of Education, Desiree Vance and Associates, Atlas Financial Advisors Inc., Little Red Hen, City of Chico, Butte County, CSU Chico, California FFA and Northern ACEs Collaborative. She earned her BA in Graphic Design from California State University, Chico.
Aaron Draper has worked as a professional photographer for 25 years and returned
to Butte County 7 years ago when he was hired by Chico State to revitalize a struggling photography department. Since his arrival, enrollment has quadrupled. He designed a smart phone-based course that is the first of its kind in the CSU system. He holds a BA in English Literature from Chico State, an MFA from The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, a MLS from Cal Northern School of Law and a Juris Doctorate Degree from the Cal Northern School of Law.
We started as a way to give back and help our community. Small and large nonprofits are busy dedicating their time and resources to their missions. We know that design, marketing, and branding are not always in the budget, but they are a huge component to spreading your mission, finding volunteers, and receiving donations. This is our mission: you are our mission. We want to donate the most valuable asset we have into helping you grow, our time, talent, and knowledge.